Tummy Tuck Procedure in Beverly Hills

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Encino, Glendale and Bakersfield

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

Tummy Tuck Surgery, otherwise known as an Abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure which is routinely performed by Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons in Beverly Hills. In Los Angeles, both men and women seek tummy tuck procedures in order to remove stretch marks, lose abdominal skin folds, remove excess tummy fat, and also tighten their stretched abdominal muscles.


Women become good candidates for tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery not only after pregnancy, but also if they have had massive weight loss after Gastric bypasses surgery or dieting. The rapid gain of abdominal girth either during pregnancy or with obesity causes loss of abdominal skin elasticity, which results in stretch marks and hanging skin folds once a person loses weight. In order to rid themselves of abdominal stretch marks and flab, men and women hit the gym with ab exercises, only to find that muscle toning or exercise does not remove stretch marks and skin folds caused by pregnancy or weight loss. Feeling frustrated they seek plastic surgery consultation for tummy tuck.

When going through different cosmetic surgery consultations in Beverly Hills people sometimes get confused about their choices of body contouring surgery- tummy tuck vs. liposuction. Women obviously want to get the best body for the least cost of cosmetic surgery. People also prefer to have their liposuction or tummy tuck under local anesthesia. In order to make the best decision about your tummy tuck surgery you need to ask the right questions from a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is a tummy tuck specialist in Beverly Hills or Los Angeles. You should also view many tummy tuck pictures and before and after tummy tuck photos.

Having performed hundreds of tummy tuck procedures over many years, and having seen many abdominoplasty results for revision tummy tuck surgery, I believe that in order to get the best tummy tuck scar with the best looking belly button and figure, you should consult with a tummy tuck specialist in California who has a broad experience in performing all types of tummy tucks for both skinny as well as plus size women. He or she should also understand the likes and dislikes of Hispanic, African-American, Asian, and Caucasian women.

This abdominoplasty specialist should be able explain to you why you would be a better candidate for a full tummy tuck or a mini-tummy tuck; or if you will be better served with abdominal liposuction vs. a tummy tuck, or even a combination. There are also other important considerations such as if you have had previous abdominal scars from a hysterectomy, laparoscopy, or gallbladder surgery. Do you currently have or have you previously had an umbilical hernia or other types of abdominal incisional hernias? Finally, the amount of loose tummy skin or flab affects the decision of choosing the appropriate type of tummy tuck. While many women after pregnancy need a combination of tummy tuck and liposuction, others with massive weight loss might instead need an extended tummy tuck, belt lipectomy, or body lift.

Related Procedures

There are other adjunct cosmetic surgery procedures that can be performed with or after a tummy tuck, such as breast augmentation and breast lift. In fact, the term Mommy Makeover defines the combination of tummy tuck and breast augmentation/ lift surgery which fixes the “body damage” caused by pregnancy for new moms. For those who are seeking body contouring after massive weight loss there are other accessory procedures to a tummy tuck such as a brachioplasty or arm tuck, as well as thigh lift, butt lift, and facelift.