Plastic surgery was once the exclusive advantage of the rich and famous, and many people today think it still is. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Thanks to changes in costs and affordable financing options, today just about everyone can enjoy the benefits of these life-changing procedures.
Our financing partner, CareCredit, has a range of plans that allow you to spread out the cost of your surgery with convenient monthly payments. It’s like using a credit card, except your purchase will last a lifetime. With consolidation and special financing available, CareCredit is helping make plastic surgery affordable for all.
The relative cost of plastic surgery has come down over the years. As with other technological advances, they become more affordable as their reach expands. However, these are still procedures which require the professional skills of a board-certified surgeon. For this reason, surgeon’s fees remain at a certain level, at least for accredited professionals. The following price list is the average cost of each procedure, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesiology, facility fees, and follow-up care. Pre-operative testing, special equipment, implants, garments, and specialty aftercare are not reflected.
Medical Financing

Alpheon Credit
Most people have a false perception of what cosmetic plastic surgery costs. In fact, most think that they could never afford plastic surgery. Once they realize that getting the body that they always wanted is no more expensive that buying a used car, they are eager to change their life for the better.
To apply for CareCredit please click the images and or link below.
How to scan QR code?
Many smartphone cameras have built-in QR code scanners or you can download a free app. Here’s how to scan:
- Open the camera or mobile app.
- Aim the phone’s camera so the QR code is visible and in focus.
- Tap on the pop-up notification to allow the code to activate.
- Complete the secure online application.
If scanning a QR code doesn’t work on the phone, simply type in the URL on the display.
To apply for CareCredit please click the images and or link below.
Financing plastic and cosmetic surgery has never been easier. Patients can have the body of their dreams because it is now as easy to finance a life-changing cosmetic procedure as it is to finance a car. Getting rid of an unwanted body feature such as a sagging tummy or a nose that is too big for the face is now a choice that most people can make.
Financing from established finance companies is now a reality for cosmetic plastic surgery.
Many people feel that plastic surgery is out of their reach. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Dr. Sean Younai, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills & Los Angeles, is mindful of the fact that many of his patients have been waiting a lifetime to have their procedure. Being able to finance it as they would a car, furniture, or home improvement makes it possible to finally achieve the body image they have been dreaming of. He has vetted several cosmetic surgery finance companies and has decided to support CareCredit.
About Care Credit
Founded in 1987, CareCredit is a simple way to finance cosmetic surgery. CareCredit offers special financing with convenient payment terms to people who want to improve their appearance.
Patients ask for a general idea of the costs of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. While the final cost is dependent on the unique needs of each patient, the following represents the average costs of procedures according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery.
The following are average prices for common plastic surgery procedures, including fees for the surgeon, anesthesiologist, surgery center, and follow-up care:
Please call for the current pricing
Why Choose CareCredit
Founded in 1987, CareCredit is a simple way to consolidate and manage your cosmetic surgery expenses. CareCredit offers special financing with convenient payment options.
These days’ people of every walk of life can afford cosmetic surgery. The reason for this upsurge in plastic surgery is its affordability. There are several reasons for this including:
- Cost of Cosmetic Surgery. Whether the relative cost of cosmetic surgery procedures has come down, or the price of most things has gone up, the prices of plastic surgery procedures is now within people’s spending budget.
- Availability of Financing for Cosmetic Surgery. In the old days no financial company would loan money without collateral, especially if it was for cosmetic surgery. Now, some of the major financial institutions are marketing primarily to the plastic surgery crowd. Realizing that those with a steady income can make payments for cosmetic surgery, just as if they were making it for a new car. In fact, some loan companies are becoming even more creative. They are willing to give patients a cosmetic surgery home equity loan, with the payments added to patient’s monthly mortgage payment.
- Plastic Surgeons offer financing. While it used to be that one had to pay cash for plastic surgery, now plastic surgeons accept credit card payments, financing, or even offer cosmetic surgery savings plans.
The American Society of Plastic Surgery publishes the annual statistics on the cost of different plastic surgery procedures, stratified to the region of the country.
Although this is an approximate cost of the fees that plastic surgeons charge to perform such procedures, the total cost could vary widely depending on the cost of the operating room facility, anesthesia, follow-up care, and necessary equipment or garments. Don’t be fooled by the seemingly amazing prices that you might see published in the throw-away magazines, or that you hear on radio or TV ads. They might not have included the overall price.
For example, some competitive national chains that are owned and operated by non-plastic surgeons offer ridiculously low prices, with a small footnote that the cost of anesthesia or operating room fees are extra. Others might advertise attractive prices that fail to mention that your anesthesia is going to be provided by a nurse and not a board certified anesthesiologist. Others even advertise Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeons, when later you find that your surgeon is a dentist, gynecologist, or even a general practitioner with no Board Certification in Plastic Surgery.
Please know that there is only one accredited and nationally accepted Board of Plastic Surgery. The so called “Academy of Cosmetic Surgery” is a non-accredited corporation that offers certificates to any doctor that takes their weekend courses. Don’t bargain with your life! Any surgery is a serious endeavor that has costs associated with it, due to the basic expenses of an accredited surgical facility and board certified staff.
While it doesn’t hurt to get a good price it is not worth possibly compromising your well being and health for the sake of the cheapest price.
The average total price for some of the common plastic surgery procedures including fees for the plastic surgeon, anesthesiologist, surgery center, implants (if indicated) and follow-up care is noted below. These do not include the cost of pre-operative testing (blood test & EKG), special equipment, implants, garments, or specialty after-care, and if necessary, the cost of revision surgery.
Body Contouring Surgery
prices vary based on exam and type of procedures.
Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks | |
Liposuction of arms and outer chests | |
Liposuction of thighs (complete) | |
Liposuction of neck & face | |
Liposuction of buttocks | |
Liposuction of calves | |
Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) | |
Lower Body Lift | |
Upper Body Lift | |
Arm Tuck (Brachioplasty) | |
Thigh Lift | |
Brazilian Butt lift/ augmentation (lipo. + fat grafting) | |
Calf Augmentation | |
Pectoral augmentation of male chest | |
Male Breast Reduction (for Gynecomastia) | |
Male Breast Reduction (after Bariatric Surgery) | |
Buttock augmentation (with implant) | |
Breast Enhancement Surgery
Breast Augmentation (saline) | |
Breast Augmentation (silicone) | |
Breast Implant Exchange (saline) | |
Breast Implant Exchange (silicone) | |
Capsulectomy | |
Breast lift (minor) | |
Breast lift (major) | |
Breast reduction | |
Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Upper Blepharoplasty (eyelid tuck) | |
Lower Blepharoplasty (eyelid tuck) | |
Canthopexy (lower eyelid lift | |
Brow Lift, Forehead Lift | |
Mid-facelift | |
Facelift (neck & face) | |
Thread Lift (limited) | |
Thread Lift (major) | |
Lip augmentation (temporary fillers per cc) | |
Lip augmentation (permanent implant) | |
Rhinoplasty (nose job) | |
Nasal augmentation (with implant) | |
Septoplasty with Turbinectomy (nasal blockage) | |
Cheek augmentation (with implant) | |
Chin augmentation (with implant) |