Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Medium Size Case #12047

Tummy Tuck before and after pictures (A, B, C) by liposuction specialist in Los Angeles Dr. Younai These are abdominoplasty before and after photos of a 38-year-old woman that had a few pregnancies that left her with some stomach folds and loose skin. Consulting with Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Younai, she mentioned the struggles of not being able to wear tight clothing without having her stomach or other parts of her body sticking out and how it really hurt her mentally. Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon Dr. Younai makes sure to answer all questions and listen to everything a patient says to make sure that he personalizes the surgery to them, no two procedures are the doctor ensures that a patient gets everything they want. In her tummy tuck before and after photos you can see just how good she looks after her procedure!
- Patient #: 12047
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 36 - 40
- Procedure: Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Medium Size