Male gynecomastia (breast) reduction Case #12791

These are Male Breast Reduction before and after pictures of a Hispanic man from Los Angeles who after loosing weight developed sagging breasts. He was embarrassed for having “man boobs” and would never go without covering his chest. During cosmetic surgery consultation with Dr. Sean Younai who is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, he learned about different techniques of male breast reduction. While many men who develop Gynecomastia can get away with reducing their chest by liposuction and removal of breast tissue; there are a minority of men who cannot. These men just have too much loose skin, which must be addressed separately. The patient recovered well after Gynecomastia Surgery at California Center for Plastic Surgery.
- Patient #: 12791
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Male gynecomastia (breast) reduction