Liposuction Arms Case #5709

This is a 37 years old Caucasian woman from Valencia who wanted to have slimmer arms because she said that she loves wearing sleeveless dresses. She works out with a trainer at least three times a week and had not been able to get the definition that she wanted until she had arm liposuction.
She had a liposuction consultation with Dr. Sean Younai who is a liposuction specialist in Los Angeles. First, she wanted to have arm liposuction under local anesthesia, but Dr. Younai explained to her that arms are very sensitive and to do a full arm liposuction it would be intolerable. She was also concerned about the visibility of liposuction scars since she wanted to wear sleeveless tops. Dr. Younai showed her many arm liposuction before and after pictures, including liposuction photos of other women who were of similar size and skin tone. Dr. Younai places very small, stab-like, incisions in the arm pit, and the elbow creases in order to hide his liposuction scars. This can be seen in the attached arm liposuction before and after photos. Also, you can see the great definition that patient has developed over her arms were you can see her arm muscles.
- Patient #: 5709
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 36 - 40
- Procedure: Liposuction Arms