Body Contouring Case #5557

This is a 23 years old African American college student who from Los Angeles who underwent Tumescent liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, and lower back by Dr. Sean Younai who is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills.With liposuction of abdomen she wanted to achieve a “flatter stomach” and a slimmer look. As you can see in her before and after liposuction picture this African American woman from Los Angeles was able to achieve a flatter abdomen and was able to fit better in form fitting cloths. Because she was young, have not had pregnancies, she demonstrates significant shrinkage and tightening of abdominal skin with Tumescent liposuction. We have noted that SmartLip does not produce as significant as skin shrinkage as this type of liposculpture.Patient’s liposuction procedure took about 2 hours under general anesthesia at Regency Surgery Center and she was able to go home the same day. Her recovery course was uneventful and she was able to go back to school in 5-7 days. She was able to participate in sports and start on her exercise bike in two weeks after liposuction.As a liposuction specialist who has had much experience in plastic surgery for African American women in Los Angeles, Dr. Younai feels that they can usually get great results with Tumescent Liposuction as opposed to Laser Lipo.
- Patient #: 5557
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: African-American
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Liposuction Abdomen Medium