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Breast Asymmetry Los Angeles

While almost all women have some degree of asymmetry between their breasts, it is rarer for there to be a more distant asymmetry of a cup size or more difference between the smaller and larger breasts. Having breasts that are significantly asymmetrical makes many women feel self-conscious and can make finding underwear and clothing that fits appropriately difficult. To improve breast asymmetry, many women seek out Breast Augmentation or Breast Reduction to either increase or reduce the size of one of the breasts. Dr. Younai has helped many women achieve the more balanced and harmonious results they desired to correct their Breast Asymmetry Los Angeles.

Breast Asymmetry Los Angeles is not just limited to breasts that vary in cup size, but can also refer to breast asymmetry in shape. Learn more about the different types of Breast Asymmetry and view before and after photos of actual patients who’ve achieve breast symmetry through Dr. Younai. When you are ready to begin seriously discussing your options for achieve symmetrical breasts, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Younai.