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Arm Lift Los Angeles

The Arm Lift Los Angeles is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms when there is excess skin that is sagging. Many patients begin to notice excess, sagging skin in the arms following a dramatic weight loss such as is often achieved following Bariatric Surgery. Many people may also notice excess skin sagging in the upper arms simply due to the naturally aging process and a genetic predisposition. If you want to rejuvenate the appearance of the arms by removing the excess skin through Arm Lift Los Angeles you will first need to contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Younai to find out if an Arm Lift is right for you.

The Arm Lift Los Angeles may be performed in combination with other body contouring procedures such as Liposuction or a Body Lift. It is important to understand that an Arm Lift Los Angeles procedure will leave a permanent scar from the incision which runs horizontally from the between the elbow and the armpit. For most people the tighter, smoother and more toned arm appearance is a worth-while trade off for the scar which will fade over time, but never completely disappear. Ready to begin your discussing with Dr. Younai and learn more about your Arm Lift Los Angeles options? Contact our office today.