Male Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) Case #6009

These are before after tummy tuck pictures 39 years old Caucasian male from Los Angeles. He had major weight loss over a 3 year period and desired to under so cosmetic surgery to tighten and tone his abdomen. He has always been an active person, however loosing and gaining weight caused him develop extra skin folds on his abdomen, flanks and lower back. He desired to look more youthful and wanted to get rid of his “pot belly” and love handles. Majority of his search for the top tummy tuck plastic surgeon in Los Angeles was online. He came across board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Younai in Encino, California who is a tummy tuck specialist. During his tummy tuck consultation Dr. Younai examined him reviewed before and after male tummy tuck pictures and recommended a high tension tummy tuck with liposuction of flanks and lower back. Male tummy tuck surgery trims down a protruding belly by removing excess skin and tightening the abdominal muscles. Typically an outpatient procedure, the tummy tuck takes about 3 hours and is performed under general. Dr. Younai makes an incision at the lower abdomen, extending from hip to hip. Excess fat and tissue are removed through liposuction, and the abdominal muscles are tightened. Another incision is made to reposition the belly button. The remaining skin is stretched to create a firmer, tighter abdomen. This patient’s abdominoplasty recovery was about 2 weeks, he was able to drive and return back to work within 3 weeks. As you can see these before and after abdominoplasty pictures show a restored beautiful figure. His after picture shows a much more flat abdomen and toned body frame. This patient is very pleased with his abdominoplasty results. He says Dr. Younai did an amazing job and this procedure has motivated him to stay in shape and boosted his self-confidence.
- Patient #: 6009
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 36 - 40
- Procedure: Male Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)