Rhinoplasty - Caucasian Case #6190

These are nose surgery before and after pictures of a 21 years old Caucasian woman from Beverly Hills who previously unhappy with having a long and wide nose. She had a closed rhinoplasty surgery by Dr. Sean Younai at California Center for plastic Surgery. Her nose surgery before and after pictures show how her nasal tip was refined, nasal hump was removed, and her long nose was shortened through a closed nose surgery technique. After nose surgery, her nose now blends with the rest of her face, instead of being the focal point of her face!Prior to her rhinoplasty she was very apprehensive about having general anesthesia for her rhinoplasty and wanted to know if she could do her nose surgery while being awake. Dr. Younai offered her to speak with the surgery center anesthesiologist when she learned about the best and safest type of anesthesia for nose surgery. She recovered well after her rhinoplasty with minimal bruising, especially since she was given Arnica supplements to take prior to surgery!
- Patient #: 6190
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Rhinoplasty - Caucasian