Male Cosmetic Surgery Case #5675

These are abdominal liposuction before and after pictures are of a 44 years old Indian male from San Jose who traveled to Los Angeles to have liposuction and gynecomastia surgery by Dr. Sean Younai. He chose Dr. Younai because of his extensive experience and expertise in all types of male cosmetic surgery including gynecomastia treatment and abdominal liposuction.As you can see in his liposuction pictures he had a dramatic improvement with loss of his love handles, with a flat abdomen, and chest. After his tumescent liposuction procedure he recovered at a nearby hotel and flew back home in five days. Dr. Younai continued to monitor his progress and gave him more recovery tips by e-mail and over the phone. He recovered very well and was able to return to work in eight days and be physically active in two weeks. Patient has since returned to Los Angeles for liposuction follow-up visits and is extremely pleased with the result of his liposuction and gynecomastia treatment.
- Patient #: 5675
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Indian-American
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen