Male Liposuction Abdomen Case #5656

Many men complain that as they get older it becomes harder for them to keep in shape and to look good. This African American male from Sherman Oaks works as a fire fighter and lives a very active life. Despite always being active and working out five days a week he started to gain love-handles and a “gut” as he reached 45 years of age. He wanted to have liposuction and have a narrow waist with a wide chest and well defined abs.During his liposuction consultation with Dr. Younai he saw many before and after liposuction pictures of other black men and was pleased with their liposuction results. He underwent liposculpture of his abdomen, flanks, and lower back by Dr. Younai using a tumescent liposuction technique under general anesthesia. To everyones surprise he was back in the gym and working out at the end of a week. He says even though his abdomen was soar from liposuction he did not have much sharp pain. He was taking only tyleon for pain during the day, and narcotics at nights. Patient returned to work in 8 days and is very pleased with his liposuction results.
- Patient #: 5656
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: African-American
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen