Male Cosmetic Surgery Case #5638

African-American men seek liposuction of abdomen in order to look and feel their best. These are liposuction before and after pictures of an African American man from Los Angeles who had liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and lower back by Dr. Younai at the California Center for Plastic Surgery.This man was a personal trainer and a bodybuilder and his goal was to get the narrowest waistline and a “V-cut frame.” During his consultation with Dr. Younai he reviewed many before and after pictures of other African American men who had liposuction, and discussed liposuction techniques and issues that are more concerning to black men such as keloid scar formations. Dr. Younai explained and showed him where the incision sites are for liposuction of the abdomen and that they are mostly placed in hidden places such as the belly button or in the pubic hair area.Patient was also given explicit instructions for liposuction recovery, as well as surgery tips for fast healing. After having liposuction at Regency Surgery Center he went home the same day and was able to return to his exercise routine in ten days.He says that he has been able to maintain his physic and shape after having had liposuction by Dr. Younai about 12 years ago.
- Patient #: 5638
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: African-American
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen