Male Cosmetic Surgery Case #5622

Large volume liposuction in men can have dramatic results with significant reduction in a patient’s size especially around their abdomen and hips. These are before and after liposuction pictures of a 45 years old Hispanic male who with aging and lack of exercise had gained much weight. As a result of this major weight gain he had also developed a hanging belly fold which he was very conscious of. Because of this he would refuse to take of his shirt at the pool or in public.He sought Dr. Sean Younai because of his expertise in large volume liposuction for plus size men and women. During his liposuction consultation at the California Center for Plastic Surgery Dr. Younai emphasized to him that he would need to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle after his large volume liposuction in order to maintain his results.Patient had amazing liposuction results as evident in these before and after pictures. Notice that not only he lost significant amount of weight, but also had a significant reduction in his pant size and his abdominal circumference. There was even a dramatic shrinkage of his loose abdominal skin fold.Patient says that his great liposuction results have motivated him to keep his weight off and to change his lifestyle for a healthier and better one!
- Patient #: 5622
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen