Male Liposuction Abdomen Case #10279

Male Liposuction with Hernia Repair before and after pictures
Liposuction and Hernia Repair of abdomen was performed to fix hernia, abdominal scar, and to slim down this 50 years old man from Los Angeles who wanted to feel good about taking off his shirt and having a fit and lean tummy.
Abdominal hernia repair with scar revision was performed along with liposuction of abdomen and flanks by Dr. Sean Younai who is a board certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Beverly Hills. Tummy liposuction before and after pictures shown here demonstrate the smoothening of the abdomen and removal of the scar. Tumescent liposuction technique was performed by Dr. Younai when the patient was able to go home the same day. After liposuction patient recovered at home and was able to return to work in on week. He was able to exercise and workout in about two weeks after liposuction.
- Patient #: 10279
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 51 - 60
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen, Male Cosmetic Surgery