Male Cosmetic Surgery Case #10944

Male breast reduction can be complicated by the development of dents or sagging skin or nipples. These are gynecomastia revision before and after pictures of a young man from Los Angeles who developed folded-over nipples after having had male breast reduction in Beverly Hills.He had consulted with several plastic surgeons in Los Angeles but chose Dr. Sean Younai because of his expertise and experience in small incision male breast reduction surgery. Dr. Younai was able to fix his gynecomastia surgery complication by lifting his hanging nipple through an unnoticeable incision at the periphery of the areola.Being a bodybuilder this man is now very pleased to be able to show his pecs without worrying about visible gynecomastia surgery scars.
- Patient #: 10944
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 36 - 40
- Procedure: Male gynecomastia (breast) reduction