Breast Lift - Limited Case #6593

These are before and after Breast implant placement Surgery Pictures of a 48-Year-old years old Caucasian woman from Moore Park, California. She desired Breast Augmentation to increase her Breast size to a B bra cup size to a D bra cup size. She found that after having 3 pregnancies her body changed drastically. Her bra size and the appearance of her breast had gone down and left her with saggy breast with poor skin elasticity. She was also unhappy with her abdominal area having unwanted fat and loses skin. She consulted with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sean Younai in Encino. She felt that her consultation went very well and that Dr. Younai had much experience with the mommy makeovers /procedures.She reviewed numerous before and after breast augmentation pictures and felt Dr. Younai understood exactly what her plastic surgery goal was. This patient underwent Breast Augmentation Crescent lift Surgery with 370 cc round smooth high profile Silicone implants. Her breast implantswere placed under the muscle (submuscular implant placement) with a Peri-areola incision. Breast Implants that are placed under the muscle are more natural looking breast implants and show less implant rippling and better mammogram readings.Her recovery was pretty easy she was able to return back to work in about a week after surgery. This patient was very pleased with her breast implant surgery and is much happier with her fuller natural looking breast. She says her experience from beginning to end with Dr. Younai and his staff was pleasant very professional. She Plans on finishing her Mommy Makeover procedure with a future High Tension Abdominoplasty procedure with Dr. Younai
- Patient #: 6593
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Breast Lift - Limited