Breast Augmentation Case #6335

These are before and after Breast Implant Pictures of a 30 years old Caucasian woman from Pasadena, California. She desired to undergo breast enlargement procedure for her 30th birthday. She has had two pregnancies that’s has affected the size of her breast to increase while breast feeding and left her with poor skin elasticity and sagginess to her breast tissue. She desired more natural looking fuller breast to appear more proportionate in her clothing, similar to what her breast looked like before having her children. She met with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Younai, in Beverly Hills, California for herplastic surgery consultation. She underwent Breast Augmentation Peri-areola lift, with 420cc smooth round moderate profile saline mentor implants. After her Breast enlargement procedure she when from a B bra cup size to a D bra cup size. Her recovery was fairly smooth and her pain was manageable, she was able to go back to work within a week of having plastic surgery. This patient was thrilled with her breast placement surgery and she felt that Dr. Younai and his staff were wonderful and her whole experience was A+ from beginning to end.
- Patient #: 6335
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Breast Augmentation